Kuchisake onna(English: slit-mouthed woman)

 Kuchisake Onna - 口裂け女 on Steam


 Origin: Japan 

Backstory: The spirits of the dead who were killed in particularly violent manners—abused wives, tortured captives, defeated enemies—often do not rest well. The kuchisake onna is thought to be one such woman. However, during the Edo period, a large number of kuchisake onna attacks were blamed on shape-changed kitsune playing pranks on young men. During the 20th century, the blame began to be placed on ghosts, serial killers, and simple mass hysteria. This resulted in an explosion of kuchisake onna sightings over Japan. Over the years, clever young people claim to have outsmarted kuchisake onna by delivering quick, confusing answers, or by throwing money or hard candy at them. This buys enough time to escape from the kuchisake onna’s wrath and lose he.

Sighting: First sighting of kuchisake onna are dated back tom edo period(1603 - 1867) after that her sightings started to become short but she came in 1978. Till now there are cases of her attacks.


 Now if you encounter one just don't answer her question, become like I am blind and deaf, or ask her a math question you will get enough time to run away.


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